Welcome to the R3 Liberty Ledger

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This blog will discuss a variety of topics from the Legal Process (and after effects of it including Incarceration and Jail Culture, to Traveling Tips, to Emergency Resources and Emergency Planning. Nothing is random or unnecessary, and no matter how unrelated they may appear to be. Some things may shock you, others may just go into more detail about things you already know or suspect, while others present a passing curiosity.

For example, if you have never been arrested or dealt with the legal system, reading about it is better than going through it yourself. If you or a loved one is going through it or has, understand them better. If you are concerned about the path someone you love is moving down, afraid that it may lead to arrest and incarceration, you can plan for that potential what if just in case…

If you plan on traveling, know the risks as well as the rewards and plan for every what if because even on vacation or business trips or family visits, emergencies like arrests and accidents can and do happen.

The trouble with emergencies is that you can only do so much to plan ahead, all in the hopes that your foresight prevents you from needing to use any of it. Hopefully you have planned well enough, just in case. However, if you don’t prepare for those what-if’s, and they happen, you’ll wish you did.

Brought to you by R3 Contingencies LLC at R3-Kon.com.

R3 Contingencies offers a wide array of services, covering all sorts of emergencies including arrest, accidents, career re-development, locating services, and advice that insurance doesn’t. Check out R3 Contingencies to find out more!